My Blog

PSA: Not a Compliment

Okay, I am just going to say that a backhanded compliment is nothing short of an insult. 

“Wow! You look great for 40 babe.”

I am not sure what 40 is suppose to look like, but it sounds like I am ancient, when I am not. 

How about leaving age out of it and I won’t mention what a douchebag comment that is. 


  • starman1

    you are a joy to look at and spend time with… and that has nothing to do with your age. don’t let idiots darken your day.

  • lonestarangel

    LOL. Guys, this is a compliment I hear every single day, and often. I take no offense to it, I was just throwing it on the blog just for the sake of adding a mix to the threads. I appreciate that you both gave sweet words of encouragement, but I was not looking for any of that. *hugs*

  • 1894

    I am an engineer and I need units to understand what 40 means. Is it weight in Kg (= 88 lbs) or babe hotness (40 on a scale of 1 to 10 seems pretty good to me).
    I like your smile. It looks like you have something devious planned that you are not telling.

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