My Blog

Worthy of a Mention, That is For Sure!

Dawn Marie has a football pool that she was so kind to let me join last year. I say that because I do not know what team is where, or who is who, and I sure as fuck do not know who the ball catcher is, or where the ball needs to be. Basically, I have always been open about my disdain for the sport. However, that has changed now that I am in her football pool. Don’t go getting excited, I still don’t know the defense from the offense, but it is fun picking teams each week and hoping for a win. I know just enough to be able to carry on a conversation for two minutes. lol. This season started off rough for me because all of the winners were losers and the losers were surprising us all with a win, when they sure as shit should not have won. At any rate, I have had a couple great weeks and was actually WEEK LEADER for all of 2 quarters, maybe three. I do not know because I never watch the games. I lost that titled but I am still in the top, which definitely helped my season average, but I need a few more weeks to move my way further up the list. 

Here is a screen capture of my victory, as brief as it may have been, a victory it was. lol. 


No, that is not our Cliff. I accused him of being in the pool last year, without telling me. lol. 


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