My Blog


With the holiday’s approaching, it has me thinking about traditions, and memories of years past spent with family and friends. Traditions sometimes take on a generation of repeats, while others only last for a brief moment. My family was not big on traditions, but we always made time for each other. There was not a day that went by that I did not know I was loved, and for that I am thankful.

Thanksgiving for us changed over the years, but it was always a special day to enjoy. Whether it was Mom and Granny cooking, while my oldest two brothers kept me and my twin out of the kitchen, or later years when we would join friends for their Thanksgiving dinner. It was a happy day, to enjoy friends, family, food and beautiful weather. I remember some years it was a brutal cold with wind blowing in from the north, while other times we were in short sleeves and sandals. I remember one year my twin was playing a game of pool in the garage at our friends house, and everyone was laughing and just enjoying time spent with each other. That is a tradition I hope to continue to share. Enjoy those you surround yourself with, and cherish the time you have with the people who you call family. 

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