My Blog

It Is a Good Day . . .

Today I woke up to fresh snow, a warm house and a happy heart. I stayed in bed for a couple of hours, being lazy, reading and perusing social media. For a long time in my recent past I could not open my mind up to actually enjoy a good book, but now I am back to reading and it has been good for me. 

Once I decided to stop ignoring the day and actually got out of bed, I had the house cleaned by noon and was already paying bills and taking care of my list. I am definitely a list-maker and I feel successful each time I cross something off of “today’s list of DO’s”. In case you are wondering, reading and playing Toy Blast was not on the list. So far I have been successful four times today. LOL. 

I will be online tonight, which is rare for me on a Saturday, so if you find yourself sitting idle, or just bored and in need of some company, join me around 7p EST – several hours, with a dinner break in the middle. Just a reminder, if you are a member of my site ( you have FREE access to my cam room, via the banner on the club page. As a member, you will always be welcome to join me for a chat and maybe lucky enough to catch a FREE gold show. *wink*

I still have a few things I would like to do before I shower, so I must sign off for now…



  • Stephen Pellow

    I read this blog as I am snuggling into bed myself at the end of a long, and somewhat, cold day and I can honestly say that your happiness and can do attitude really comes through from what you have written and it’s really warmed my heart. πŸ™‚

    • lonestarangel

      Thank you so much for reading my blog, and for commenting. I really do appreciate that.

      Also, thank you for your kind words and support.

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