My Blog

Spuds in a Pot

Last week I was cleaning and saw that a couple of potatoes were starting to sprout on the counter, and it turns out I had a pot of dirt that I was about to dump and store for the winter. So, the bright thinker that I am, I saved time by shoving the two spuds into the pot of dirt, crossing off two things from my list in just 1 minute! Within a week leaves started sprouting already and now days later it is out of control! So, I will take a picture every other day for us to follow the progress of its growth. I think I need a bigger pot, maybe a 5 gallon bucket. How I will go about harvesting the potatoes, or even knowing when they are done, is still a mystery, but this adventure should be fun, to say the least. lol. 


  • DawnMariesDream

    How are we to know that is the same type of potato in the pot? How are we to know that you didn’t steal the other pics from the internet as well? Be prepared for a DCMA request from the potato, it is not nice to steal someone else’s content and post it Angel!! I think you are for sure going to be on Santa’s Naughty List.

  • DawnMariesDream

    How are we to know that is the same type of potato in the pot? How are we to know that you didn’t steal the other pics from the internet as well? Be prepared for a DMCA request from the potato, it is not nice to steal someone else’s content and post it Angel!! I think you are for sure going to be on Santa’s Naughty List.

    • lonestarangel

      LOL you make me laugh! Okay, first of all, the potato does not have feelings. Second of all, there were no watermarks on the picture, or else proper credit would have been given. Lastly, it is too late to give a non-stolen pic because there are stems and leaves sprouted from said potato.

      Are you Santa because I am definitely on that naughty list if you are. LOL.

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