My Blog

Always Amazed by You

G’morning and happy sub-zero day for those of you that are stuck underneath the eternal polar vortex, also known as the blizzard of 2018. 

I woke up to rain, which turned to snow for about an hour and now the mountains and valleys are covered in beautiful white fluff. It is a gloomy, cold day and it makes for a perfect opportunity to clear my list. I have to say, I am already well on my way, despite playing Toy Blast for an hour and my internet lagging. 

I have a lot to blog about, mostly thanks and appreciation for gifts and such, and I do plan to do that later, but what I wanted to write about for now is how much it means to me that many of you choose to spend your time with me online. I am not one to take you for granted, but sometimes I get so busy with life that I forget how much you guys have given me, especially over the last year. Whether you stop in once a week, or most days, I appreciate you and your time. You brighten my days, my spirit and you make me smile. Thank you.

Oh, I also plan to blog about the potato plant, which I have fallen short on doing so far. In all of my haste for a daily to-do-list, it seems that gets put off. But, I have pictures and looking at it now, I am not sure what the fuck I was actually thinking. Who plants a sprouting potato in a pot for indoor enjoyment? Me. That is who. 

So, stay tuned. It is a sight to see. lol. 

Have a beautiful day! 


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