My Blog

Winter Has Arrived!

The long awaited winter has finally arrived! It has been snowing here for days and there is well over a foot of fluffy snow everywhere! It is damn cold and bright white out every window of my  house! I have to say, it is truly beautiful to have four seasons, and with this being my first winter it was nice to have a mild one, but I am so thankful that we finally got a real snow storm before the seasons change. 

I do not know many people who love the snow, or even like the cold, but after living in Texas most of my life I am so tired of the summer droughts and one season that I am excited to experience a cold climate for a change. My hands are dry and I am always bundled up, but when I need to wear flip flops I will just hop on a plane and go fly towards the sun, but it will be short lived and bearable! It will not be in August though, I am certain that entire month is actually hell on earth, no matter where you live! 

I would love to see pictures of what your weather is like, so please feel free to share one, none or all. 

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