My Blog

New Beginnings and New Seasons

G’morning! I hope this finds you doing well and rebounding from the hour lost over the weekend. It baffles me as to why we continue to honor such dated ideas. Granted, it once made sense to extend the day to give more sunlight, but not in today’s day and age. It is unhealthy and ridiculous, but that is not the reason for this post, so moving on…

I have been slogging away, trying to get to the end of my past, while also living in the present and hoping for a bright future. With that said, I was not able to finalize anything during my trip to Austin last week and, unfortunately, I need to return at the beginning of next month in hopes to settle everything. But, we shall see. Because that has consumed most of my time offline I have not found time to send out a monthly newsletter since the first of the year. I hope to do that this weekend and there will be a lot of specials announced and news regarding my April anniversary month. It seems like we were just celebrating ten years online, and now we are approaching 12; unbelievable! 

Along with turning the page on yesteryear and looking forward to the many tomorrow’s, we are coming up on my first Spring in the north and I am looking forward to having a garden of plenty with blooms and bushes, but also planters on the front stoop. With warm weather starting this week, I am having a hard time talking myself out of going to the garden center to by a plant. lol. Today it is warm enough to melt the rest of the snow from a couple weeks ago, but Wednesday-Friday it is snowing, again, so spring might not be right around the corner for me, but I am not complaining because I love having an actual winter. Maybe I will buy another house plant on Wednesday. lol.



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