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Buy Me Some Peanuts and Cracker Jack

Whether you are a baseball fan, or not, you have to admit that opening day signifies that spring is right around the corner. Hell, for some I believe summer has already arrived, however, for many winter was late on arrival and now spring has been delayed. Despite all of that, the opening day of Baseball means that spring has sprung and it is time to start planning the garden. Or, at least, I hope that I can do that soon. But, if I cannot, I am just as thrilled because having an actual winter has done so much to lift my spirits, or maybe it is the distance that has given me a new perspective on things. Either way, the weather here is different, but welcomed. I miss the thunderstorms and angry weather of Texas, but in exchange I have been given beautiful snow storms and mountains, with gorges. 

Are you a baseball fan? If so, who is your team and what is your prediction for 2018? Will it be the Asto’s again, maybe the Indians will have another record breaking year, or will it be a young team that no one expects to come out on top?

As a kid, I loved baseball, and everything it signified. It was my sport, and I knew where the next play should be, or where the ball should be hit. Now, as an adult, I still hold on to that knowledge, but I have lost interest in really following it. Out of all of the sports, though, I can actually understand the game and I have a love for ball fields. 

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