My Blog

May Gone.

It is hard to believe that the first half of the year is almost over and summer is quickly approaching. It seems like I was just enjoying the holiday’s, for the first time in many years, and then January, February, March and April happened. Now May is gone. That sounds ominous, but it is true; where does the time go? I think that we are constantly busy with responsibilities and obligations that it is hard to truly sit down and cherish every day we have. I find myself thinking that I need to do this next, and once that is finished then I will slow down, but here I am with another several tasks in front of me, leaving me with a sense of weariness. 

I have taken today to be mostly lazy. It is the second day off that I have taken this approach and neither one was planned. I am not sure how I feel about that, but it has been nice to just relax and not busy myself from the time I get out of bed and until well after dinner. 

This Saturday, however, will be a busy one. I am tackling a new project that I have never done before. Hopefully it is easier than what I imagine it to be, and no, it is not refurbishing the newly purchased dresser. 

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