My Blog

Positive Vibes

There is so much negativity in the world, especially on social media, and it is easy to get sucked into it, or turn it off. Either way it still spreads the bad energy. For me, I tend to disconnect all together, but then I find myself staying off of Twitter, which is how I stay connected with you guys, so it can be a double-edged-sword. 

For this post, I would love for you to share something positive. It can be regarding something that just happened this week, or years ago. That is up to you, and you can share more than one story, or be as vague as you would like. But, it requires good vibes. 

I will go first-

For my birthday I had an overwhelming show of support and love. I have a very small group of close friends who have become my family, and each one of them showed love in their own ways. Bo, of Jo and Bo, called me to wish me a a happy birthday, and since we share the same day, it was a special phone call. Dawn and Rob sent a package with wind chimes which warmed my heart because this replaced a special set they gave me a couple years ago in honor of the famous cat, Nelson. It is not the same, but just as special because it is the thought that was put into it that made me smile. And, now each time I see them, I will smile and think of them. And, then there are those of you that took the time to find me online to send virtual birthday wishes and good vibes that reaffirmed that I am exactly where I need to be. Thank you. 

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