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A Very Happy 4th to You!

G’afternoon! I hope this finds you doing well and having a great day. Whether you are in the states, or in some far off land, like Canada, I wish you a happy 4th! Maybe you are down under, in which case it is the 5th, no longer today, but tomorrow, and I bid you a g’day! If you are in Europe with my token Brit, I don’t suppose you celebrate today for anything more than what it is, for today is a good day for a good day! 

If you are one who is spending the day doing celebratory festivities, I hope you stay safe and remember that it is Wednesday and you most likely have to work tomorrow. Don’t get too crazy, the weekend is near. 

One last thing, and this is more a request with a very strong suggestion in the undertone. DO NOT SET OFF FIREWORKS. No one likes a neighbor who spends the next week setting off bottle rockets and things that go boom in the night sky (especially if it is daytime). People have pets and some even have PTSD. Just saying, think about it and if it is too late for you to be conscience of your surroundings make a change next year… and if you really could give a fuck less, then never mind the last paragraph, go about your day and have a happy celebration. I hope you are not one of the statistics of having less fingers on the 5th… okay, that is all. lol. 

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