My Blog

Your Week at a Glance

How was your week?

It seems that the weeks are flying by and before we know it the fall will be here, followed by colder days and wintry nights. Do you have any plans for the summer, or trips with the family?

I have a tentative plan to be back in Texas, but, of course, waiting on other people to do the right thing before any dates are set. So, I sit in limbo and hope to have a date set soon. Who know’s when that will be. 

I hope to take a couple weekend trips over the next few months, one being to visit Dawn and Rob, catch a baseball game and learn a few things on editing videos. 

I also need to plan a day (or several) to start my furniture restoration project that I should not have taken on to begin with. lol. I have no idea what I am doing, but I figure slow and steady and read up on Pinterest is a good, solid plan. What can go wrong? As long as I don’t sand one of the legs half way off, it should be fine! It is currently sitting in our dining room, still wrapped in plastic, but I will dust that tomorrow to make it look not so cluttered about. 



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