My Blog

Birthday’s and A Forgetful Brain

Over the last year I have let my blog postings slip for a few birthday’s, but never have I forgotten the special day. That is, not until the last couple of week’s. I actually forgot two, very important, birthday’s and what is worse, I spoke to both of them on cam during their day. Of course, they do not think it is a big deal but I beg to differ. It is a huge deal! So, please join me in wishing HMFast and Kevin (of KEVIN!!!) a very happy belated birthday!

HMFast was July 24th

Kevin’s was July 29th 

I do hope that you both made time to celebrate you, even if it was eating a bowl of ice cream and binge watching your favorite movie. Or, Kevin, maybe it was giving Daisy an extra hug and taking her on a walk. Either way, I hope that you both know how much you mean to me and how I truly enjoyed having you as part of my world. 


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