My Blog

Stepping Up on a Soapbox

I am stepping up on a soapbox…

It truly fucking annoys me when some people respond to a comment, or a conversation, with an opposing view for the sake of argument. It is not cute and it certainly is not going to give you the kind of attention you might be craving. How about just have a conversation and not feel the need to interject with needless bullshit. 

We all need that human connection, whether it be in person or through online avenues. Having a conversation is one thing, but disagreeing when their is no need for it is another. I am not suggesting that we all agree and have the same opinions; that would be boring. What I am saying is that not every comment is need for you to give a disagreeing position on. 

You might get more attention or have greater amounts of response if you just have a conversation, without being combative for a response. 

To be honest, I am less likely to respond to you now (or ever) if you are one to just argue. I used to know someone who thrived on arguing, even if he agreed, and it was fucking annoying. In fact, he is not liked among most groups of people and there is a reason for that. 

Those who argue because you are bored, or you get a laugh out of it, are some annoying fucks! Good grief, just fucking don’t respond. 

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