My Blog

What is What, is How It Will Be

G’afternoon and a very happy Monday to you! My furniture project is underway, and the striping job turned out to be much more time consuming than I had imagined. It’s not that I didn’t know it would take part of my Saturday, but it took the entire day and I only got through 6 drawers and 3/4 of the cabinet; I still have 3 drawers and 1/4 of the cabinet to go before I can sand it to prep it for paint. It is going to be the best damn dresser that I have ever had. It is for the guest room but I may very well find a spot in the living room so that it can be shown off to everyone that knocks on my door. The pizza guy, the FedEx lady, other random people… and maybe the neighbors dog. lol. 

One thing is for certain, I won’t be starting a furniture restoration business. Fuck that. Now, with that said, I have enjoyed seeing the transformation, but I don’t know why anyone enjoys spending their entire day out in a hot garage, inhaling striper chemicals and burning fingertips when the gloves start to dissolve from contact with the striper. I mean, seriously, who are those people and what is wrong with them? lol.

Moving on. This week I will be offline Thursday, instead of Wednesday. So, that means the member’s show Thursday needs to be moved to Friday night. Any objections to that being the rescheduled day? 

Today is the last day to take advantage of Hot August Nights”. This is the first time I have offered a special such as this and it has been a huge success; better than any sale I have had on my site. So, for those new joins, thank you! Please email me if you have not already so that I can make a note to contact you in September with your gift. 

My premium #snapchat has been busy with sex and fun; including videos that cannot be found on the site. This is something that is spur of the moment and fun, while off cam and sometimes even while I am on the road. So join and enjoy my snaps. 

Thank you for reading my blog; it means a lot to me that you guys take the time to follow my ramblings. *hugs*

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