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Vacation Bucket List

I have never really had a bucket list for anything, especially vacations, but there are a few places I hope to experience in my lifetime. 

Of course, the top on the list is to hug an elephant at the David Sheldrick Wildlife Orphanage. The do amazing work that is selfless and so giving for the babies that find themselves alone in the wild. 

The rest is in no particular order, or even a definite that it will happen, but a place that I have always wanted to see. 

  • Montana
  • Colorado (I’ve been a few times, but would love to road trip it through the mountains)
  • SF – Seattle by car
  • Yellowstone starting in the states, ending on the Canadian side. 
  • A NY Opera
  • Over the water bungalow in the Caribbean
  • Cabin in the mountains, with no foot traffic
  • Fishing in Alaska (during a “warm” month)
  • Germany
  • The UK by Rail
  • Canada
  • Camping during a thunderstorm 

Those are just a few that I can think of right now. lol. What are some of your dreams and hopes?

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