My Blog

Not Much Notice…

G’afternoon and a very happy Monday from me to you! I hope that you had a restful weekend, and that the week has gotten off to a fantastic start. 

This week will be somewhat normal, with the exception of tomorrow (Tuesday). I am going to make a custom video in the morning, and then will be on cam, but it will be short lived. MtnMan needs to go out of town to pick something up and I have decided to ride with him. While gone I will be filming new content, so I will still be connected, just not on cam after 6p EST. I will be back online Thursday, normal time and this short out of town trip will not interfere with the member’s cam shows. 

I hope to see you guys at the #VNALive member’s cam tonight at 11p EST –> gain access through the VNA banner on the club page of my site. 

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