My Blog

Mountain’s Are Cloaked in Smoke

With California burning and Nevada and Utah also on fire, a thick smoke cloud has covered this area for weeks. It was starting to lift, but more fires started and now it has settled back in, with no relief in sight. I cannot see the mountains right now and, although it looks like a thick fog (which I find beautiful), it has an ugly undertone to it. It appeared grey and gloomy this morning and then I realized that it was the smoke from all of the fires. Even the sun is sad. 

I love weather. Torrential downpours, snowing; it is all beautiful. I enjoy gloomy days more than I do hot, sunshiney afternoons, but even the sun makes me smile. Mother nature is a beautiful beast. But, with that said, there is nothing beautiful about the country burning by fires. 

I hope that this heat wave breaks soon and the temps drop, lifting this stagnant smoke cloud so that I can once again enjoy the view out of my cam room window. I miss looking out and being able to see the mountains. 


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