My Blog

Weekend in PHX

Weekend in PHX

Our weekend in Phoenix was short, but packed with fun, mixed in with training. It was Rob’s birthday, which we spent at the ballpark watching the Braves, but we also made time to learn how to edit a video. Rob took the time to set it up prior to our arrival and it was a quick, but very informative couple of days. It is always great to see Rob and Dawn. They are good people who are generous with their time and knowledge, and always fun energy to be around. So, thank you both, for sharing your weekend with us, but especially a birthday. I hope to be able to expand on my video editing skills once I get a hang of what I am doing with the simple steps required.

Friday we did some day drinking and I am pretty sure that I was drunk and hung over all at the same time.

Saturday was the day that we went to the Braves game. I love ballparks. And, I ate a hot dog.

Sunday Dawn cooked breakfast for us and ChiDiablo. Have you ever had bacon cooked in the oven? If the answer is no, you need to stop what you are doing and throw a package in the oven right now. And, she made biscuits and gravy, which is my favorite. The gravy was perfect and the biscuits were fluffy. So delicious!

Love you both. #family

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