My Blog

Step Away From the News

It could definitely be said that there is a huge dividing line between parties that have spread so much hate throughout the people. And, I say this as impartial as possible. It is happening from all sides. The Liberals, Democrats, Republicans and everything in between. It is disgusting. This is a rare post for me because I have kept politics out of my cam room, blog and especially my site. And, to be honest, this is not as much an opinion post, as it is a solid suggestion. 

No matter how you voted,  or what you think about your fellow voters, turn it off today. With today’s news organizations blasting elections for years before we go to the polls, we are all on overload. Just walk away for the day. I see so many people on Social Media consumed with other people and their opinions, or arguing over a topic that will never be resolved online. Turn it off. No matter how the election goes today, you will survive. It is true, times might be tough for a bit, but you will ultimately survive. Be smart in your every day. Take care of you and your family. Tomorrow will be another day. I have never seen so much contempt in the human race. And, please do not use this thread as an outlet to spew more hate and opinions. It is not just with the current president, but it was going on for the last two.. That is over a decade of hate that has been simmering. Do not add to it, and just stop. You will be mentally healthier for it. 

Now, with that said, get off the computer with your speeches and go lobby, or join congress. It is never too late to do this, and you will make a difference in person, more so than you ever will consuming your everyday on Social Media and in the confines of your home… 

What I am suggesting is that maybe you allow yourself a break today, and tomorrow you won’t wake up near as upset and angry.

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