My Blog

Current Keeps the Water From Becoming Stagnant

Alright, so I have had a hard time finding motivation, as of lately, and some of that is the fact that I am bored with the same days always spent online. That is not to say that I am tired of being on cam. That just simply is not the case. However, change is good and it keeps life interesting and hopefully will keep it from being boring.

Anyway, to the point. I have decided to take Sundays off for the next couple of months, which means I will be online for Saturdays. This will be a broken day because I will be online for a few hours in the orning/early afternoon and then do my grocery shopping, getting back online after I am home. So, at least a 2 hour break..

So, I hope that I will continue to see some of you over the weekend, despite the change in day that I am online. 


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