My Blog

A Day to Recognize as Special.

Today is Outlaw’s birthday, and this is one day that should be recognized and celebrated. He is my longest running member, and that, in itself, is pretty fucking amazing, but besides that, he is a stand up gentleman who has proven to be a good friend and a loyal one at that. Longest running member, and loyal friend do go hand in hand. He has jumped three networks with me in the 12+ years that I have been online, and that does not include all of the many cam sites that I have tried over that time period, all of which he has joined with me. 

Outlaw, I do wish you nothing but the happiest of days, and I, although, I encourage this big purge of your last 20 years, I want you to take a break today. Get out. Celebrate you. Have a cigar. Enjoy friends. Do something for you. 

I am so excited for your #newbeginnings. It is something you need and your days will be full of what you are passionate about. This change, although, terrifying and uncertain, is good, positive change for you. I am happy that you have the strength to make such a leap. 

Happy, happy birthday to you!

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