My Blog

What I am Thankful For

My absolute favorite day of the year is Thanksgiving. It is the love of family that taught me to be thankful, but also appreciative of what the day truly means. It is the one day that people slow down and make time to reconnect; it is the day that people come together, no matter their social standing, and enjoy each others company over a feast. It is the day that families, whether biological, or chosen, have no other commitment but to each other. It is beautiful.

I am thankful to have you guys in my life, and to know that you we have created an amazing community online, through my site. Without the site as a platform, none of us would have met, and for that, I am very thankful for. I am also grateful for those of you that joined many years ago and never left, but also for those who have joined here and there, coming and going as you do, and those who joined once (and done), because without you all I would not still be online. I should also extend my gratitude to those of you that have just recently joined, because joins like yours is what keeps the site fresh. 

I am thankful for so much more in my #newbeginnings, but because I feel that I have over shared too often, I will spare you guys more on that. But, that is not to say I am not going to reiterate that I am lucky to have friends who stayed true and who helped me through the stressful days of the last couple of years. I do believe that you choose who your family is, and it can be a positive choice. 

On a much simpler note, I am most thankful to be joining MtnMan75 and his family for a beautiful dinner. 

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