My Blog

Mountain Hikes

We take Abigail on hikes a couple times a week, and it has been great exercise for her, and for us. Most of the time Abby and I stay close to the truck while MtnMan hikes up steep mountains and around rock ledges but she loves to run, play in the snow, toss the stick (herself) and chase her tail. By the time we are heading home she is crashed out in the back seat, which is 100% her domain and Duckie is always quick to curl up with her.

When we get home our routine is to get her fed, brush her coat and then shower her clean again. She is not a big fan of the latter, but she loves eating and getting her hair combed. After she is showered, it is my turn and then we eat dinner while Abby curls up in her spot and sleeps. She usually is ready for her kennel when we are finished cleaning up the kitchen.

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