My Blog

Scarce Week on Cam

I am taking some time off to give myself a break from cam and with this being the start of the new year, I think this is the perfect week for that.

I will be online tomorrow (Monday), Friday and Saturday. You will not find me on Tuesday-Wednesday.

Tuesday we are going to take Abby on another day long hike and then Wednesday we are going to drive to Twin Falls and create new content for my site, coming home Thursday. This will be Abby’s first time home alone and I am a little bit worried but also dreading the separation. I know it might sound ridiculous to some, but she has been by my side for 3 months and she is my constant shadow. I am more concerned for her, than me, because she won’t know that it is temporary and we will be home Thursday evening. Thankfully we have someone that is going to let her out of her kennel in the morning and she will be hugged, loved and fed. However, that won’t last all day, but just enough time to feed her and let her outside where she will stay all day, before being fed at dinner time and then put back in her kennel at bedtime.

We will also be stopping by the PO Box to pick up several packages and to mail 4 orders of panties. If you would like a pair, you still have time but you need to email me ASAP –

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