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A Snowy February

They predicted a dry winter with extreme cold, but instead we had a late start and have had above average snowfall for February. In November when we normally have heavy snowfall it was dry, with a flurry or three, but nothing to measure. And, it certainly wasn’t cold as far as the natives were concerned. But, for this Texan who has only been here a little over a year, single digits was fucking cold. In fact, a few mornings when I was out traipsing through the mountains it was well into the negatives. I don’t care what anyone says, that is fucking cold as fuck. At any rate, those few mornings do not accumulate to a colder winter than usual. So, in summary, I’d say the weather readers got it wrong. Way wrong. 

With the Polar Vortex that hit the east coast and carrying over through the midwest was short lived for some, but I do believe it is lingering over the northwest, and it is beautiful. Granted, everywhere you go you hear people saying the same mantra, “I am over this damn snow”, but for me I think it is amazing. Yes, it is cold. Yes, everything is a mess. Yes, the kids (and dogs) are cooped up inside. But it is moisture. Moisture is so healthy for the ground and since we do not get rain through the summers, or really much at all, snow is life for us. So, that means we are bundled up and freezing toes off.

I know a few said snow is new to me and I’ll tire of it eventually. I might not always like the cold, but to me snow is life and I will always be appreciative of snowfall. So, let it snow, let it snow… 

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