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Ewok in the House

We are keeping the Ewok from next door while her family is on a weekend trip out of town. She is not a huge fan of Abigail, but being forced to live with her over the last few weeks is making her come around. She has only growled at Abby a few times, and it was when Abby went to the kennel window to say hi. It turns out the Ewok does not care for g’mornings, hello’s or tail wags.

Normally this Ewok does not want much to do with us as she spends her time pouting because she has been left behind. Now, that does not mean that she does not get excited when she sees us, but that is only if her mom is near and there are no signs of her being abandoned by her person.

This is the first that we have kept her since getting Abby, but they have spent almost 2 weeks together while we’ve been out of town over the last few weeks. Needless to say, I really think she is accepting the puppy, despite her disdain for the situation. Anyway, she has actually asked for attention this time, whereas, usually she wants no hugs or loves. Progress. That is what that is.

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