My Blog

Changes Made; New Options Added

Have you had a chance to check out the new face of LoneStarAngel? I not only was able to finally buy the domain, but also was able to give it a new look, thanks to the help of my webmaster, Rob. I have sent out a Newsletter, several emails, tweeted and blogged about this already, but it was suggested that I post another thread regarding new options added, in the event no one has read any of the above listed articles.

For each update added to my site, you are now able to rate the content. That goes for both picture sets and videos, adding individual star ratings for each. Once you finish watching videos, give a rating between 1 and 5, and that will give me feedback on what is popular and what needs improvement.

You can now add comments to each set, as well, and I will do my best to stay on top of those.

Next time you are logged into my site, check out the new options and give me your ratings and comments as you feel fit.

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