My Blog

On the Road . . .

We left a few hours ago and we are on our way to Montana, but stopping in Idaho Falls for two nights. It is a beautiful day with rain in the clouds and gloom in the skies.

Abby was hugged, and loved on for most of the morning, and then again when she was sad to see the bags being packed. It was a sad sight to watch her mope about, so I gave her a new raw hide bone to take her mind off of what she knew was coming. It didn’t though. She continued to mope around, bone hanging from mouth as she followed me about.. I do love her sweet disposition and cheerful personality, so to see her bummed is a hard reality for me. The only way to cheer her up was to take her over to her cousins a couple of hours early, so I did. lol. As soon as we pulled into the drive, her tail started wagging so fast the seat was vibrating. I opened her door, she flew out, ran to the door, sat patiently for me to catch up to her and then waited until I unlocked it and gave her permission to enter. Even when she could hardly contain the excitement, she knew to wait. However, once that front door was open, there was not control. She was in the living room, then a bedroom, and still beat me to the garage door. I opened the door and I don’t think she even hit the concrete but once before she was out the doogie door. It was a golden flash before my eyes. I think she woke her cousin up because the poor dog just sat staring at Abby, wondering what the fuck was going on. But, once she gathered herself, she was soon celebrating with Abby. They love their playdates and this one will be a week, unknown to them.

I will stay connected via Twitter and email, and I will do my best to get back into blogging. I hope that you all have a wonderful week and look forward to hearing about it when I return to cam next week.

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