My Blog

The True Meaning of Family

Thank you goes out to Bubba, for this suggestion when I asked Twitter for my next blog topic.

This is a broad opinion, based on feelings, experience and is different from person to person. It truly depends on the dynamics of each person and what they have gone through in their lifetime. And, really, two people who grew up together, as twins, can experience the exact same event in contrasting ways, taking on their own level of maturity and emotional plane.

With that said, here is my viewpoint on the true meaning of family. As you age, you gain friends, but those people very rarely make it into the family realm. People who truly care for others are not just a “fair weather friend”, and by that, I mean, they do not use you for their gain. Those who are family care when you are down, or going through a tough time, and they are also elated when you are succeeding and improving your life, not only in personal relationships, but business. It is not a “cherry-picking” relationship, but all or nothing. Jealousy is not an excuse for not being happy for someone, and on the flip side, those who care enough to call you family in return will also care no matter what you might need at any given time. A high five. A hug. A congratulations – “way to go!”. It is a give-give relationship, not a give-take. And, again, this is my opinion and no one else’s. The true meaning of family is different for every single person, and I guarantee you that every one that reads this will have their own take on what it means to be a part of a family unit.

I could go on, but it really is just reiterating the same points, just different words as the sentences flow forth.

When Amber joined our group, our community, she quickly coined our crew as family, and she was right. We band together when one of us are sick, experiencing grief, starting a new job, missing in action and, also when we have happy news to share. Our Monday night VNALive sessions and Thursday gold shows prove that our hamlet is more family than just friends. When I am busy multitasking conversations, it is you that remember’s to ask a specific question as to how so-and-so is doing. For instance, Cliff and his brother. Dwwindsor and the House Boss. HotNFriskie and his accident prone survival skills while dodging the current wave of tornadoes. Bubba and his health problems, his brother Dave and with his layoffs, and the loss of their brother Johnny. Outlaw and his #newbeginnings with the big move and new business arrangements. Zany and her divorce, the job hunts and whatnot. Fr33 and her current brew of choice. Amber and Kayla, and their recent tragic loss. It all counts. Again, I could go on, but the list is extensive after 13 years of being online. Oh, alright! And MtnMan and the “safe word”. *eye roll*

The meaning of family is what we make it, and most of that is due in large to experience, but no matter what that might be, family is universal for love.

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