My Blog

The Tulips, They Are to Blame.

Abby is our kid, and where I go, she goes. Or, at least that is how it used to be, until the temps warmed up and now it’s too hot for her to stay in the truck. It is for her own good, but she does not know that. I mean, how could she, even though I tell her that’s the reason we are leaving her home… each time we leave her home.

Last weekend we went to breakfast, and her face said it all. She was hurt and not too happy about being left, again.

When we got home she appeared to be worried about getting into trouble, but nothing seemed amiss. I mean, she had her toys at the front door and she was lying down when we drove up, so all seemed to be right and there was no reason for further concern.

Two hours later, we left to run a few errands, leaving Abigail once again.

When we got home she told on herself by tucking her tail between her legs and not looking at me. At first I told MtnMan he needed to go talk to her because my heart just can’t stand to let her know I’m not happy about her behavior. And, then I noticed it.

When we left the yard was full of tulips blooming bright and happy.

There was half of a bloom left when I looked out at the yard. Half of a bloom. She ate every single bloom. EVERY BLOOM!

I was the one that went out to talk to her and she went straight into her outside kennel. She NEVER goes into that kennel, even when it is snowing or raining. She knew. I marched her over to every tulip bed, and she wouldn’t even look at them!

The tulips, they made her mad. Or, was it the fact that I left her home? According to Dwwindsor, her lawyer, she was dealing with being ABANDONED and retaliated with a political protest. And, according to all of her advocates, she was protecting the yard from the tulip burglars. Thankfully she was able to run them off before all of the bulbs were stolen. There was half of one left. Half! Not a whole bloom, just half, and it dropped to the ground a few hours later..

Last night while I was on cam, Outlaw asked me how Abby and her tulips were doing. I referred to Abby as the tulip monster and Dwwindsor told me to let it go. Hmppft! I would not have brought it up, except for Outlaw mentioning it and to that, DW said, “calling her the tulip monster was rude. She has feelings.”

Clearly, Abby has friends online that she was not aware of.

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