My Blog

My Week Off of Cam

It has gone by quickly, but probably because it was full of site work and Thanksgiving day celebrations. Regardless of that, it has been everything that I had hoped it to be. It was productive, beautiful with all the snowfall and full of family time.

Today is my last day to work on my site, get caught up on all of my clip sites and many other fires I maintain throughout the year. It seems that no matter how much time I spend on upkeep and whatnot, I still get behind. I just have to step back and reevaluate the projects I have on my daily to-do list. With that said, I have decided to open my snapchat up to everyone, without a monthly charge. The truth is, I am as active on there as my time allows, but I do not have anymore to give when it comes to providing another source of entertainment. So, if you are on SnapChat, and would like to follow me, add me “naughtylsa” but the one rule is, no screenshots unless you are a member of mine. I will post another thread directly after this one with more instructions and whatnot…

Tomorrow I will be out in the mountains with Abby and MtnMan, which will be a great finish to the week off of cam.

I hope to start Monday with a bang, and spend most of it online catching up and reconnecting with everyone. I will, of course, be on #VNALive for the weekly member show, but also on and if you are a member of my site, you have FREE access to both of those chat rooms. Let me know if you cannot find the links…

Tuesday I have a hair appointment at 1p, my time, but hope to be online before that and after. Taking a break for dinner and a basketball game and then back online after dinner. Should we do a 1 hour member show when I return?

Wednesday we have to be in SLC and Thursday we have obligations for what cannot be taken care of on Wednesday. Needless to say, I won’t be online either of these days.

Friday and Saturday, thankfully, I have no plans other than to be on cam without any interruptions.

I hope that you all have had a wonderful week and a beautiful weekend. I cannot wait to reconnect and catch up with you all. xo

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