My Blog

Worthy of a Post

I have become lax in my jotting of words here, and a lot of that is due to the year we’ve had, which started in January with MtnMan’s surgery. But then I slipped into a funk with nothing worthy of adding to the blog. However, I’d like to change that and today is a good day for that.

Please join me in wishing the House Boss of Windsor Castle a very happy birthday. She is one who brightens our world, even though we only know her through Dwwindsor himself. I do believe we have met the true person that is known as the list maker of his world. I like her spunky spirit and her amazing sense of humor, but also, I admire her for keeping DW on his toes.

Happy birthday, Lily. I hope that it is an amazing day of celebrations and love. You deserve all of well wishes and cake. Lot’s of cake.

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