My Blog

Tell Me Something Positive

With everything going on this year, I feel disconnected from you all more than ever. Not just COVID, but MtnMan’s surgery, the doctor appointments and then we had a huge celebration planned for April that was cancelled, and I fell into a routine that didn’t involve staying present online, other than tweeting, member shows, camming and new content. Anyway, I am trying to break that mindset, and do more than just say “I am going to start blogging again, starting today!”, I am actually doing it this time. lol.

So, share something positive that has happened this year. I will share two positives with you all.

First, MtnMan and I married on April 26th. It wasn’t something I intended to keep a secret, and really, it hasn’t been, but I never announced it. We had spent the last year in and out of hospitals and doctor appointments, while also planning a huge celebration with friends and family coming from all over. It was going to be a 4 day event with family members meeting each other and seeing my new home, new life. Unfortunately, 2 weeks before the wedding our state shut down, but about 3 weeks prior to that we had already decided to cancel the big ceremony. It was disappointing because my matron of honor, one of the groomsmen and our officiant were all stuck in Austin and had to watch on FB Live, while my brother, nieces, nephews and their kids also watched from afar. Rob and Dawn were also driving up from Arizona and MtnMan’s family were flying in from Oregon and other parts of Nevada. Even with the change in plans, it was a beautiful backyard ceremony, and it truly was a perfect day. It was bittersweet, but my family reached out to me right before and even called us afterwards and they were so happy for us. It was a day filled with love and gratitude. Although it was not what I spent a year planning, I am glad we did not let COVID stop us from what was far more important than any 4 day celebration would have been. I was torn about sharing with you all during April because so many lives were being ripped apart and there was so much uncertainty in the world, and there still is. It just didn’t feel right to shout my excitement during that time, but I honestly feel it is worth sharing, even though it’s rather late…

My second bit of positives that has come out of this year is that one of my nieces and I have started meeting on FaceTime most Friday’s, over beer and wine. I drink beer, she drinks whatever flavor of the week is. lol. It has been good to connect with her on a different level rather than just texting back and forth, which we do even more of now..

This year has been full of strife and disappointments, but there are also positives if you choose to look hard enough. *hugs*

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