My Blog

Abby’s Workout

I have decided I need to start be proactive with getting acclimated to the higher elevations. I mean, I’ve been here 3 years now and it is time. Granted, I really could not do much for the first 2 years without getting a migraine the next day, so I limited myself on activities and hiking with MtnMan. Usually I’d go a short distance and return to the truck with Abby, while he hiked on. Anyway, last week I went on my first real hike and pushed myself as far as I could before I started to feel the pressure in my lungs and head. I made .062 miles and that might not sound like an achievement, but I moved from 800 feet to 5600 and the hike started at 10,000 feet. So, .062 is a big achievement, and one I am very proud of!

I’ve also decided that to help with hiking, I need to start working out. When I say working out, I don’t mean hitting the gym for 2 hours, 3 times a week. That would be ridiculous. Absurd! (funny fact, I can’t say Absurd so I don’t use it in a verbal conversation. lol.) I am using a bowflex that MtnMan already had set up in another bedroom, doing squats and sit ups.

Now that you know the backstory, let me get to the point of this whole thread post.

Abby, my trusted golden retriever, watches from afar. She’s not too sure what is going on. Mom lifting weights? WHAAAA? I can’t decide if she sits in judgement or if it’s the noise of the clanking that she does not like. At any rate, I spent about 10 minutes on the bowflex, then did my squats and got on the floor to do my sit ups. I really wish I would have had a camera. Abby is a creeper when she is told to stay and all she wants to do is at least touch me. She went from 5 feet away to sitting on my feet in less than 2 seconds. I told her to stay because I figured if nothing else she’d help me keep my feet planted while I try to get through the sit ups. NOPE. That is a big NOPE. She stuck her head through my legs and when I laughed she leaped on top of me for hugs. After our hug fest, I had her sit next to me and stay (*eye roll*). As I lifted up, she licked my face (*face palm*) and as I went back to the ground, she laid across me. Her entire body, all 75 pounds of love, was sprawled out on top of me and then her tail smacked my face.

After the last couple of days with the Roomba, I let her hug and lick and just love, and when she was finally finished she laid next to me whacking her tail on the floor, looking as satisfied as can be. This made it all worth it and that was the end of my sit ups for today.

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