My Blog

Wow. I Have No Words. SMH

Welp, here we are at the end of July and I was going to profess my lack of blogging for the last month and I just realized I skipped two entire months. *SMH*

Please accept my apologies. I realize at one time many of you would check my blog for new posts weekly, some even daily. I was much better at maintaining this page in years past, but somewhere along the way I have slipped and it is somewhat embarrassing. But, alas, to speak it is one thing, to change it is another. All I can do is try my best to add blogging back into my routine. Here’s hoping I succeed, or at least, not slip even further into the abyss of forgetting that I once enjoyed blogging.

With that said, let’s move on. I have missed birthdays and the acknowledgement of a few gifts from you all. So, allow me to dedicate this post to not only apologizing, but also spreading some much deserved birthday wishes.

June 10th: We celebrated Molly and all of her charms and glories. My hope is that you enjoyed not only your day, but the weekend with cake and the love of your family. Here is wishing you many, many more.

July 1st: What a good day for a birthday! The first day of a month of birthdays! There is something about July because it’s chalked full of anniversaries of birthdays. On this day, we are lucky to celebrate MtnMan. I do realize he was just fine with no blog post, but in years past this was a day that I stole for him just for the sake of acknowledging that his day is an important one, as is all birthday’s! So, MtnMan thank you for enduring the horrid day that we know to be yours. lol.

July 11th: Oh, what a fun day to celebrate! It is the one, and the only, House Boss of Windsor Castle, Day! Wherever you are, DW, I hope that you know we still think of you and wish your lady a very happy birthday and many more.

July 19th: Rodney! I have known you for a long time, and I have thoroughly enjoyed your friendship. No matter what you deal with on a daily basis, you remain upbeat and positive with such a delightful spirit. I appreciate you and hope that you were still able to enjoy your birthday, despite going in for a much needed surgery. A surgery that I hope gives you the relief you have been needing for years now… here’s wishing you a beautiful road ahead. Never change, because your optimism brightens my day!

Over the last couple months I have received a plethora of gifts and been surprised by most. I’ve received socks from Nicster, who is partially to blame for my need for another piece of furniture dedicated to my feet coverings. I’ve got stripey socks and a lot of them! And then there is Stephen, who also adds to my sock drawer and from him I have polka dotted feet now, and each time I wear them, I smile. Socks are fun and most have been gifted to me because so many (especially those two mentioned above) appreciate my need for fresh socks and happy feet! So, thank you both, for the socks and the smiles!

Next, allow me to send thanks out to Bobo. He resides in the UK and he has sent another box of Jaffa treats! They are delicious donuts and cakes that are flavorful and they make for a nice dessert, with coffee, of course! Bobo, thank you for your thoughtfulness. I appreciate you!

Adam, I don’t even know if you really exist. I mean, are you real or some for of Artificial Intelligence, also known as AI? Either way, I love the second coffee mug you sent. It is perfect: “I’m not cursing out loud! I’m using my fucking words dammit” …. it’s just as good as your first cup. I smile each time I use it and it’s perfect for VNA. Thank you!

Molly, I appreciate the dress you sent and will definitely wear it in a video, once I have the proper setting for it. It’s old fashioned and we all know I do like the vintage clothes and lingerie. Also, the elephant billfold you gifted me for my birthday and they cookbook you sent to MtnMan for his anniversary of his birth. To that he said, “What a thoughtful gift”. So, thank you from both of us, for the great surprises.

If you have read this for, thank you! I hope that you are well and that your weekend is everything you hope it to be and more!


  • Rodney L Franklin

    Thank you So Much Beautiful Angel 🤗😘, Your Friendship has meant So much to me for all these years. Just knowing that you’re always there when I need to talk to someone has meant So much to me. You’re Definitely One Amazing, Beautiful and Special Woman and Im So Glad and So Lucky to have You as My Friend 🤗😘🥰, You Always Brighten My Day, Thank You For Being You ❤❤❤

  • Molly Amber

    Thank you hun for the wishes, and so happy you two are enjoying your gifts. also so thank you for your gift to me your freindship, It’s priceless and something I’m working hard to deseiver Love you both xoxoxo

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