My Blog

Lunch with a Member Turned Friend

One of my greatest achievements with the online world is the connections I’ve made. One of which, has become a very close friend. Not just with me, but also MtnMan.

This friend happened into my cam room in 2006 (my very first year online) and then eventually found his way to my website.

In 2007, I hosted a bar meet in Greenwich Village in NYC. He showed up. Later I hosted a meet in Tampa. He showed up. When I had the annual January party at my home. He showed up.

Since then, we’ve had lunch in Austin. Actually, funny story there. I was in my “transition” phase and he was flying into Austin on business and I was flying out, and in all the chaos I got the dates wrong. We had originally set up lunch plans for the day before my flight, but in reality, he landed into Austin about 3 hours before I had to be at the airport. So, a girlfriend dropped my off at the airport hotel/bar and we visited for awhile before he dropped me off at the departure gates. He was not even mad, when he really had every right to be. But nope. He just laughed about it.

And, after that, we’ve had dinner/lunch a couple times in Utah when he’s traveling to the west coast on business and recently in Florida last month.

Gree used to live in NYC, but now he is in Miami. When I had my dates, I asked him if he would be able to do lunch and he didn’t hesitate. He was going back to NYC for a few days so on his return flight, he booked it into Orlando, renting a car to drive back to Miami. Pretty amazing, if you ask me.

It was good to connect with him over lunch, rather than by text or on Skype for the occasional techie consult. Oh, I forgot to mention, he’s also my tech-go-to when I have questions. He’s my guy. He’s a nerd. Hahahaha. I just wanted to say that.

Gree, it was so good to see you, again! I look forward to the next time we can have lunch or dinner.

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