My Blog

Manatee’s, Roo’s and Elephants Make the World a Better Place

My biggest obsession would be elephants, but I have always had a love of manatee’s and kangaroo’s, as well. Manatee’s are just sweet, adorable and they are the only species that are safer in captivity than any other animal. Kangaroo’s fascinated me as a child because they hop and skip along with not a care in the world. Elephant’s need no explanation here…

Last year, for my first Christmas as a single person, Cliff sent me a box of ornaments that he had specifically made for me. Unfortunately, they did not arrive in time to adorn my tree, but this year they played center stage. We had a very simple tree with just a few bulbs, which is what I wanted, and the ornaments I had from Cliff added a special touch to a very happy holiday. Thank you, Cliff for your kindness, and, of course, your thoughtfulness. Although, they did not make it last year, they will definitely play a role in my holidays from here on out. 

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