My Blog

Many Thanks…

I have received so many packages over the last month and a half, and they all deserve special thanks. You all continue to amaze me with your thoughtful generosity. Whether for my birthday, or just because, each gift is appreciated.

First, I should give a big shout out to BD, for the goody box you sent a couple of months ago. I apologize for not posting a message on my blog until now. However, some of your treats were used in my latest batch of Chex Mix, which was taken on our trip. I also grabbed a handful of the peanut butter crackers. I enjoyed every bite!

Nicster, I love the new lingerie that you sent; I’ve already done a video that will be released on my site within the next month. And, I cannot wait to read the book- thank you!

I would be remiss if I did not mention the santa lingerie you also sent for my birthday. Thank you! I look forward to wearing the red negligee with fuzzy white accents!

I love, love, love this negligee! In fact, I’ve already taken pictures in it and look forward to creating a new video while wearing it, in the very near future. Thank you, Rodney, for sending a gift, just because!

Amber, I am so looking forward to planting a garden this year, and adding more plants to the yard. I cannot wait to start selecting native plants using the gardeners book you sent. Thank you!

I forgot my stack of books at the house when we left for Montana, and I had already mapped out our route to travel to the nearest bookstore I could find, but we stopped at the PO first and I was pleased to receive another book. Thank you, Stephen! It is very much appreciated and, although, I found myself too tired each night to read, I do look forward to starting this book soon.

You didn’t stop with just a book, but also sent a couple items for me to wear out and about. I have already done pictures while wearing the dress, and as soon as it warms up in northern Nevada, I will be wearing it out to dinner. The top has been washed and I hope to wear it on cam tomorrow. I will definitely snag a few pictures for you, Stephen. Thank you!

Kevin, thank you, thank you, thank you! I love to read and over the last few months I have taken a break from books, but hope to get back into it soon and this is one of the books that I have been looking forward to starting. It means a lot that you sent something, and I will think of you as I read it.. thanks!

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