My Blog

Abigail’s Sunday of Trial and Tribulations.

I woke up to a migraine, which meant a late start to the day, and it also meant that MtnMan was the one to open Abby’s curtain and say good morning to her. I doubt that it was as cheerful as my good mornings, and I can certainly say there were no hugs. She, however, darted out of her bedroom with glee and happiness, probably stopping to say hi to Herbie and Kandy. It’s hard to say who received her first love nudge because, although, Herbie is always near her, she has a very soft spot for the new buddy that we welcomed a few weeks ago. At any rate, outside she went and eventually she came into the bathroom to say good morning to me while I was in the shower. MtnMan had to take some canned goods to our neighbor, and I asked Abby if she was ready to eat. Of course she was. While she happily sat, licking her lips at a fast rate, I wondered if this was her second breakfast, but I was already pouring the cup into her bowl. There were no take backs. It was, in fact, her second serving of breakfast. I should have known, but the girl finally got more than her fair share and she was happier with a full belly. I can’t say that I blame her.

We went for our Sunday drive and stopped by our neighbors house on our way home, to pick up some homemade salsa. It was a quick visit, although, not quick in MtnMan’s terms of “I’m going to just grab it at the door, be right back”. He was probably already a little bothered when I got back into the truck and asked him to roll down the window so our neighbor could see her favorite girl, Abby. He rolled his eyes but rolled down the window and as quickly as I turned around laughing, Abby jumped out of the damn window! I sat there trying not to say a word, as MtnMan turned the truck off, got out of the truck and Abby quickly ran back with her tail tucked between her legs as she got a talking to. The neighbor was saying “I’m so sorry… love you Abby!!” To say Abby’s night was somber would be an understatement! She is still in trouble and she knows it; I just want to give her loves and hugs and tell her I love her to pieces and to please not pull a damn stunt like that again! I think we are both in trouble, truth be told.

As I was pouring her dinner, MtnMan said, “she had 2 breakfasts and was a bad dog, she doesn’t need dinner.” I cannot starve her just because she has no control over herself when she sees our neighbor. I mean, there is no control. I honestly don’t know what to do to break her of that, but I certainly did not think she would jump out of the window. Good grief. I didn’t see that coming!

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