My Blog

An Update: Our Favorite Golden

You guys are absolutely amazing. Thank you to everyone that continues to check on our girl, and those who have sent a lot of well wishes and happy thoughts. We really do appreciate you!

She had her second round of chemo on Saturday. I dropped her off at 830 and picked her up at 3; she was delighted to see me.

Her white blood cells and platelets are extremely low. She was within range (9.29 and 288) for her first treatment. Today she is 2.32 and 85 but he is not concerned at this time.

They gave her 80mg’s of chemo 3 weeks ago and today only 50mg’s because the numbers dropped. The reason is, she’s more prone to bleeding with low numbers. I need to keep an eye on her to make sure she’s not bleeding over the next week. He expects to be able to give her 80mg’s at her next visit (Sept 14).

He wants her to stay on prednisone daily, instead of going to every other day after the first month.

Her breathing has improved and he does believe she’s responding to chemo. So this is good news.

We need to make sure she’s not exposed to anything, which means no swimming. 😞 She should be fine on hikes, but will be winded and showing signs of exhaustion.

She did lose 7 pounds in 3 weeks, so we have increased her food. Abby is extremely happy about that.

On her first visit, when they found her cancer, they had IV’s in both her front legs. As her legs started to heal from being shaved and the needles, she started itching and her solution was to lick them raw. Needless to say, we need those to heal so the open wounds don’t expose her to infections. Because of that, they put ointment on her and then wrapped her legs up, and sprayed something called “Yuck” on the bandages to keep her from chewing them off. So far it has worked. We take them off after 10 days.

Overall, he’s pleased with how she looks and the results so far.


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