My Blog

Sexy in a Teddy

81iKasq5KLL._SL1500_With the holiday’s came several packages of goodies. Some practical, some sexy and some fun. All of which, I love. But, I suppose that goes without saying. Nick sent me a couple different packages. One was an early gift and another was right before the 25th. The first one was a cute summer dress, which I cannot wait to wear, and the second had a sexy, purple teddy, with a Sweater dress. The dress I wore on the first day of the year when Devil insisted I spend my Wednesday at a poker house. I’m not bitter. lol. The purple teddy, however, will be worn for Nick, when he’s in the mood for some fun. 🙂

Nick, you’ve always been amazingly generous to me. I always enjoy wearing the clothes and lingerie you send. Some of which, I wear quite often when I go out. So, please know, that even when it takes me awhile to post the pictures, it doesn’t mean I’m not wearing them all.

Thank you, Nick!

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