My Blog

Bubba, It’s Your Day!


Bubba, you’ve had a rough year but you’ve survived it, and you’ve managed to stay positive. I think your positive energy, good attitude and loving spirit has kept you going. I’m grateful that you’re still around, and begging to be abused. But seriously, you deserve to celebrate this year with gusto! I don’t remember how we came to celebrate your birthday, but I’m pretty sure either you or Hedo mentioned we should have a party and Devil said- “hell yeah, at our house!” I might have freaked out a little bit at the thought of having the party in my home, when I’ve worked hard to keep all things separate, but I have to say it was worth the gamble. You are worth celebrating, bubba-bear. I wish you nothing but the best. I also wish for you to have a better year in health, and in happiness. … Oh, and thank you for letting me exploit you, once again.

PS: Notice the picture? Get it?


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