My Blog

Smile, Hedo


You’ve mentioned it’s just another day, but I beg to differ! If it were just another day, it wouldn’t be your birthday! You’re reason enough for me to sing, and I was going to spare you the misery, but at the thought of you, and everyone else, saying- “nooooo. Don’t!”. I’ve decided we’re all singing in unison. Okay. Go.


My wish for you is to spend today doing what makes you happy. If that’s working on your car, then that’s what you should do. If that’s down in the basement, working on your latest project, then do it. Maybe you want something new. Then go have dinner at the Italian Restaurant we ate at and sit at the bar. I’m sure our bartender will remember you. If having a movie marathon is what would make you the most happy, then do it without feeling guilty. Today is yours, and you should celebrate by doing what you want.

I’m glad you’re apart of the group, and that you celebrated with us again this year. Happy Birthday, baby, happy birthday.

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