My Blog

Don’t Get Butt Hurt

If you visit me on cam once every three months, for only two minutes, then don’t expect me to remember you. It’s the same in real life, too. You have to make an impression, and have a presence. If I remember your screen name, but not what it is you requested for your two minutes of wonderment, be thrilled. I’d say remembering your screen name is a lot like remembering your name. If someone forgets my name, I’m not offended. Do you know how many people we meet each day? There’s those through business, then there’s those you run into at the grocery store. Don’t forget about those that come into your life at restaurants, bars and through other friends. Now, if someone says to me- oh, you’re Devil’s wife, that’s a sure way to ensure I’ve just lost interest in who you are. But, that’s neither here nor there.

Also, you have no right to be butt hurt if you did a four minute show with me 5 days ago, and today you come in with a new screen name. And, if you think testing me is going to gain you brownie points, you’re wrong. If you ask me if I remember talking to someone from IA the other day and I remember, be fucking happy that I now remember who you are. But, to reciprocate by asking if I remember your other screen name because you want to know for certain I’m being honest is just plain annoying. The eye roll should have given that away, along with- “what is this, a fucking test”. If I don’t remember your screen name, the odds of me recalling your real name is pretty fucking slim. You have just lost your right to be butt hurt, and you have no brain. It’s not looking good for you.


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