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New Additions to the Dictionary

Each year the dictionary grows, and it makes sense. We are an evolving species, so I get it, but why do the words “twerk” and “selfie” make it into a book of knowledge? Those two words irk me, and I see them all over Twitter. I can’t say for certain, why I hate twerk, except it’s ridiculous and Miley Cyrus made it famous. It, however, was already a popular enough word for it to be in social media and on YouTube. So, Miley, she is no inventor, just another youth gone mad. And, now onto the word, “selfie”. I don’t dog-selfietake selfies, so maybe that’s why I don’t understand them, but I think some people should be on selfie restrictions. Seriously! I get that some ladies, and well, people in general, are so self-consumed that they think we want to see picture after fucking picture of them on Twitter. “Here’s me waking up.” ; “Here’s me thinking about getting my lazy ass out of bed.”; “I’m brushing my teeth.”; “oh, just one more, I’m running errands! CHEESE!”; “okay, seriously, last one- me right before my workout.”  And, because of social media those two words are now in our dictionary. That’s right. Five-hundred years from now, if the dictionary still exists, those two words will live on. I used to look forward to the new words being added to the dictionary, call me weird, but it’s fun to learn, but the last decade has been lost on ridiculous, made up, words of social networking and abbreviated teenage slang. Don’t get me wrong, I probably over use “LOL”, but OMG, it’s fun to laugh! LOL. That last one was needed because the comment alone made me laugh-out-loud.

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