My Blog

A Successful Party

Our annual birthday party was another success. This was the fifth year, and there are no plans of stopping there. We planned the first one on a whim, thanks to Devil, and had so much fun we had to have a second one, making it an annual event. This year was the biggest yet, with more members than in the past. There was Cliff, Bubba and Hedo, all of which were celebrating birthday’s and Red who joined us last year. New to event was Lefty, who picked up Dwwindsor on the way, and Jer who drove in from east Texas. Along with the group, were also our closest friends who always join us for the January party, and then a long list of new folks that we’ve met over the last year. The weather was perfect for a fire. There was no wind and it wasn’t cold. It was enjoyable, and there was delicious food and good company. A perfect night.

For those of who who traveled many hours to make this event, thank you! You guys make it worth the effort, and definitely add to the fun! To the friends who joined us for the night, knowing that it was a party for my website, thank you for trusting us enough to come out and celebrate…


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