My Blog

Party Favors

I wasn’t on my game the other day when I posted the party details, and nearly forgot the important parts! Hedo arrived a couple 41jULVpWkHL._SX342_days in advance, bringing gifts and helping with the party set up. He brought with him a beautiful sweater dress, which I chose to wear for the party. A perfect fit! Also… a couple bags of Twizzlers. SCORE! Devil and I had most of the preparations completed by the Wednesday before, however, there’s always a last PB.Trail.Mixminute list, and Hedo was more than happy to help us with that. Red brought a delicious cake for the party, but brought me a bag of homemade peanut butter cookies and a couple bags of PB & Chocolate Lovers Trail Mix. Both, of which, I put into our icebox cupboard. Cliff came wielding a bag of his homemade rolls, which I absolutely love! You heat them up, add butter, and eat. A satisfying breakfast, snack, late night craving, and even for dinner. Those were put up into the icebox, too! However, I almost forgot, had it not be for Jer, I’d have ended up sharing them with everyone! Unbeknownst to me!

The day after the party I woke up early, had coffee on our deck with four friends… all at different times. lol. After they left, I decided it was time to shower and start on the cleanup. To my surprise, Dwwindsor, Cliff and Lefty returned and insisted on helping, and they did! Once finished, we sat on the deck and enjoyed a beautiful day visiting before Lefty and Dwwindsor made the drive back to the Dallas area.

Thank you, all!


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