My Blog

This is 200 Yards

Have you ever wondered what 200 yards is, in distance? Well, I’m here to tell you that it is NOT the distance between my front door and the studio. A few weeks ago I made the comment, on cam of course, that the walk to the house was about 200 yards. I’m not sure why I picked 200 yards since I’m not good with distance, and I sure as hell don’t know what a yard is, in reality. But, the words I chose would live on because those who have been to the house were lucky enough to be in my cam room when I slipped up and made the ill fated comment. LOL. Oh yeah. They laughed, and are still laughing. In fact, here’s a picture that Lefty took while standing on our deck. Now, mind you, it’s not at our front door. That would have been 178 yards back. LOL.


After we all laughed, for several minutes, I asked them what they would say the distance was. They all decided between 21 and 25 yards. I had planned to keep this little fiasco from Devil, but in a moment of weakness, I asked him how far he thought it was. He said probably 20 yards, but then insisted on the story behind the question. I told him no reason but then started laughing so I just spilled it… according to Red, 200 yards is further than the end of our driveway, up the hill and to the stop sign. That’s far! LOL.

Devil decided we were going to measure it, and we did. It’s 22 yards from door to door. Pfft! Lucky guess, lucky guess. It could have been 200 yards…

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